GATE GG- Geology Last 12 Year Question Papers and Keys

GATE Geology and Geophysics (GG) Previous Question papers with answers

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering – GATE is an all India examination conducted by the IISc (Indian Institute of Science) and the seven IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) on behalf of the National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.

The score of GATE examination can be used by the students for admissions to various post-graduate  programmes like M.E., M.Tech, Ph.D. These scores are valid for three years post announcement of results. The score can also be used by Public sector units for the purpose of employment screening.

About GATE 2020 GG Exam:

The GATE 2020 examination is for 3 hours and the question paper consist of 65 questions for a total of 100 marks. The mode of examination is ONLINE and at the end of 3 hours, computer will automatically close the screen ending the examination.

Pattern of the GG GATE 2020 Question Paper:

The GATE 2020 Geology and Geophysics Exam Paper would contain 25 Questions of 1-mark each and 30 questions of 2-marks each. Out of the 65 questions asked, 10 questions would be General Aptitude and the rest 55 would be subject based questions.

The exam contains two different types of questions:

(i)             Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Each MCQ would carry 1 or 2 marks each in all the papers and sections. These questions are objective in nature, and each will have a choice of four answers, out of which the candidate must choose the correct answer. Note that there will be negative marking for a wrongly selected answer.

(ii)Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions

Each NAT question carry 1 or 2 marks each in all the papers and sections. For these questions, the answer is a signed real number, which needs to be entered by the candidate using the virtual numeric keypad on the monitor (keyboard of the computer will be disabled). No choices will be shown for these types of questions. The answer can be a number such as 10 or -10 (an integer only). The answer may be in decimals as well. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer in NAT questions.

GATE 2020 GG Syllabus:

  • Part A: Common Section

Earth and Planetary system, concept of isostasy; elements of seismology, Gravitational field of the Earth; geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; plate tectonics. Weathering and soil formation; Mineralogy, Petrology, Geological time scale, Stratigraphic principles, Introduction to remote sensing, Groundwater geology.

  • Part B (Section-1): Geology

Geomorphic processes and agents; development and evolution of landforms; mechanism of rock deformation; geometry and genesis of folds, faults, joints and unconformities; cleavage, schistosity and lineation; methods of projection; Crystallography, crystal chemistry; Cosmic abundance of elements, meteorites; magmatic differentiation, sedimentary facies, Metamorphic rocks, Morphology, Principles of Stratigraphy and concepts of correlation, Ore dressing and mineral economics, Ground water geology, digital processing of satellite images.

  • Part B (Section-2): Geophysics

The earth as a planet;, paleomagnetism; Geothermics and heat flow; seismology and interior of the earth, earthquake quantification, digital seismographs, Scalar and vector potential fields; Green’s theorem; Image theory; Absolute and relative gravity measurements, Bouguer and isostatic anomalies; density estimates of rocks; Elements of Earth’s magnetic field, Interpretation of processed magnetic anomaly data, Interpretation of processed magnetic anomaly data, geomagnetic depth sounding principles, Seismic methods of prospecting; Geophysical signal processing, Radioactive methods of prospecting and assaying of mineral (radioactive and non-radioactive) deposits, Backus-Gilbert method.

Click on Complete GATE GG 2020 Syllabus in PDF format to get the detailed syllabus of GATE 2020 Geology and Geophysics examination.

Previous 12 Year Question Papers and Keys of GATE GG- Geology and Geophysics

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