Admission Notifications

CDFD Research Scholars Program in Modern Biology

Admission for the session Starting 2018

Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad, invite applications from highly motivated candidates, willing to take up challenges in modern biology, for admissions to  CDFD Research Scholars program. Keeping in view the interdisciplinary nature of modern biology, CDFD especially encourage persons from diverse backgrounds to apply.

Those admitted as Research Scholars would be encouraged to apply for the Ph.D. program of Manipal University or University of Hyderabad.

The current research themes include:

  • Computational & Structural Biology
  • Cancer and stem cell biology
  • Genetics and epigenetics
  • Cell signalling
  • Silkmoth genomics
  • Molecular and cellular biology
  • Molecular pathogenesis

Eligibility for CDFD Research Scholars Program

To be eligible all the candidates must have:

  • Master’s degree in any branch of Science, Technology, or Agriculture from a recognized Universi-ty/ Institute OR MBBS. Candidates who have not completed their final year/ fourth semester ex-amination are not eligible for RSP-II-2017.
  • Qualified CSIR / UGC / DBT / ICMR / INSPIRE NET JRF / UGC – RGNF (or similar) or have qualified BINC examination conducted by the DBT with fellowship or JEST. Candidates having qualified for the Project – JRF fellowship under the ICMR funded project Scheme/ [which is only for a period of two years] / DBT JRF NET with a B.Tech. [Biotechnology] degree /DBT JRF NET under DBT – B category list are NOT eligible to apply.
  • Candidates with LS-NET qualification only in CSIR-UGC (NET) examination need not apply.

How to apply for CDFD Research Scholars Program

Admission to CDFD–Research Scholars program is based on a 2-tier system involving a written / LAN based examination followed by interview of candidates who have qualified the written / LAN based examination. Only those candidates will be allowed to appear for the CDFD RSP-II-2017 examination and interview who produce proof of having cleared the CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE NET/UGC-RGNF (or equivalent)/ or JEST for JRF or have qualified BINC examination conducted by the DBT with fellowship.

Interested candidates who fulfill the above conditions may register their names for RESEARCH SCHOLARS PROGRAM – II – 2017 by applying in the prescribed application form which is available online only. Complete the application form online at

Application Fee:

The candidates applying are requested to pay an application fee as detailed below:

Rs. 500 (for General/OBC Candidates)
Rs. 250 (for Other Backward Classes non creamy)
Rs. 125 ( for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates).

The additional Payment Gateway Transaction Charges @ 3.10% will be charged extra from the Candidate.

The Online facility of application will open on 08.11.2017 and will be closed on 08.12.2017.

Computer Based test will be held on 21.01.2018.

For details visit CDFD Website

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