The Government of Tamil Nadu recently revamped the examination pattern for Higher Secondary Board Examinations, Tamil Nadu School Education Department has changed the pattern in order to reduce the mental stress of plus one and plus two students.
12th Revision Exam Question papers
Question Papers and Answer keys of Previous Year 12th Examinations- Last 7 Years
TN 12th Board Exam Timetable May 2024
The Plus Two final examinations of Tamilnadu Board students are scheduled to be conducted as per the timetable given below.

Model Question Papers for TN +2 exam 2024
You can download model questions papers for all subjects for TN HSE +2 Classes. in English and Tamil Medium from the links below. Latest pattern sample papers are available for
- Tamil
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Accountancy
- Biology
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Zoology
- Commerce
- Geography
- History
- Political Science
- Hindi
- Microbiology..etc
Question papers are available in English and Tamil Medium
Download Sample papers
3 sets of sample question papers in latest pattern can be downloaded in pdf format from the following links
TN +2 New Pattern Model Papers Set 1 | All Subjects | Download |
TN +2 New Pattern Model Papers Set 2 | All Subjects | Download |
TN +2 New Pattern Model Papers Set 3 | All Subjects | Download |
Complete previous year papers and answer keys for TN Plus Two Exam can be downloaded from TN HSE +2 Model papers
Any one interest in upsc exam.
Computer applications model question paper???
Kindly send me 12th Std Tamil Medium PTA Question Paper 2020 for Computer Application
plese the 12th maths model qusetion pattern
my numper 9585717605
where is the answer key could u please send it
Can u please send us commerce and economics centum model question paper
Taml, english, accountancy,commerce, economice amd business maths moral question paper send to my number through whatsappp my no 8973179873.
Send that same to me also
My number- 9626352325
Sir, upload physics and chemistry most chanced questions in new syllabus.
sir please send me economic[EM] question paper[email id ;
No question papers for sanskrit
Sir,computer application model papers
Sir computer application question paper
sir tamil,english,biology,physics,chemistry,computer key send 6385302800 whatsapp number
Key For all 3 sets questions papers in English medium if get message me 9384460392 whatapp
kindly send me key answer for
WATSAPP 9524241313
kindly send me key answer for
WATSAPP 9442554885
Sir i need a new pattern exam question for 12th students pls send me sir
Super…… its simillar to brainkart
Hello important questions chemistry
Pls can u send me 12th full portion test 1-chemistry question paper
Old syllabus +2 maths in New pattern question paper pls
Hello, I am also inneed of old syllabus maths ques.paper 09.03.2020
Good morning sir
Give a new pattern questions papers of in all subjects I am Bio maths group pls help me sir for +2 public examination
Dear Sir
Please send me maths, physics, chemistry biology model question paper answer key for all 3set to whatsapp: 09427251069
please send me maths modal question paper answer key what’s app number 7305936417
send me 12th commerce
Dear sir
Please send me commerce 1mark
Interial 1mark question send me sir
Sir hlo sir plese aad me watsapp number 9430941477
Sir/madam ,
I need a microbiology std 12th TN question papers
Sir plz send physics full portion question paper
sir i want new syllabusmodel question papers with answer keys
U group
sir I need +2 commerce question
Please send half portion test question paper September 2019
Teachers pls send biology important question new syllabus for both 11th &12th
I need to 12th last july month exam answer key Plz
12th whatsapp group link
12th model questions papers
hi i am prasanth
Please sir political science model questions paper anuppunga sir
Please send my email id 11th std chemistry
English medium questionn modal please
Sir I am gayathri I need chemistry important questions for 2m and 3m and 5m
How are you?
11th 12th Students Joining This Whatsapp Group
Hi sir i get important question for chemistry
Sir ennakku important quetions all subject sollunga sir yanga schoola chemistrykku aale illainga sir yannakku sollunga sir please
Kathirvel question iruka
Hi I’m Viki I am 12th std I want the economic important question paper
Dear Sir
Please send me maths, physics, chemistry biology model question paper & answer key for all 3set fo English medium to whatsapp: 0097450458395
12th model questions paper
Dear Sir
Please send me maths, physics, chemistry biology model question paper answer key for all 3set to whatsapp: 0097450458395
Sir please send me maths, physics, chemistry biology model question paper answer key for all 3set
11th And 12th Joining This. WHATSAPP Group.
Good evening, Bharath Sir, I am Arockiaraj , pg asst , chemistry from Karur. Can I have the WhatsApp group link for 11th &12th chemistry or general group. If u have please send me to my WhatsApp number -9262482078.?
Sir please send model paper for English
Sir pls English, maths, physics, chemistry, biology important questions in 2019 examination in tamil medium pls sir send me
sir i want 12th tamil/English /commerce important questions for 2019 public exam
Sir Iam also want +2 public model question paper
Playing upload French paper too sir
Joining 11th 12th Students Whatsapp Group
Sir 12th computer application important question 2m ,3m,5m venum sir konjam anapuinga sir
please madal questions paper
Sir please Tamil,maths,chemistry, computer science, physics, English public important question send WhatsApp number 9025552623 please
Sir I need answers for all set of model question papers …..thay are provided by government……..
Sir I’m cs group..
And my email ID is. sanjayaadhith82@gmail com
I got all the question paper
Only economic mattom ella
Please 12 economics release model question paper new páteřn2019
Good morning sir..I want french model question paper and pattern plz sent to this number 9626751264 pls sir
Sir economics paper is not given plzzz upload it sir
Yeah exactly plzzz upload sir
Pls my request also economic questions paper upload sir please
Send question papers for tamil. English. Commerce. Accountancy. Computer. Economics
7339458094 in WhatsApp number
Hello Friend You Have Receive Your Question Paper
I want maths question paper in new paper bro…
But don’t download in my phone.
Sir please send ya …qution paper for tamil, english,maths,physics,chemistry,biology….for TAMILMEDIEM …whats app no : 6374983497….plzzzz
If ur in Instagram send ur ne i will send tamil and English model paper
Sir please Tamil,maths,chemistry, computer science, physics, English public important question send WhatsApp number 9025552623 please
Maths question paper pls Sir
7373666149-whats app
Please give important questions in economics .pls pls pls sir…. I m weak in economic so pls give me
pls your what’s app number
12th model questions paper whatapp
Sir I want 12 std economics public model question paper please send me
Sir good morning I need a English new model question paper send my mail address plz,
Maheshwari did u got it pls enakum send panungalan
How are you?
Baby ???
Pls send answers for all subjects
Sir i am biomaths student recently i heard question paper pattern has been changed is it true
finally which pattern we are suppose to follow please help us i am BIO Maths student
patten kadaicha -ku anuppunga plz….,
Good morning sir
Give a new pattern questions papers of in all subjects I am Bio maths group pls help me sir keep your mind u are my dad I am Ur son help me sir to 2019 +2 public examination
Pls send me Sir, 11th and 12th modal question paper in tamil…
same to you bro if u got it means plzz sent me the pdf to my e mail acnt
my email acnt
You got it or you did not get the PDF I will definitely send the PDF you message my WhatsApp contact 9123537678
Hi sir pls your 12 all subjects model question paper
I need new modal questions please
Please send me the all subject new pattern. Plzz send me sir quick. Iam Prepad to the public exam quick
There is no fill ups only choose it ta sir
Answer me soon sor
Thank u sir
Sir i need a new pattern exam question for 12th students pls send me sir
Hi sir ungaluku send painetanga ella sir apdi paina nenga enaku send painunga sir plzzz
Can i have model question papers with new pattern change in 1 mark for all bio-maths electives. can i get it soon plss hlp me?
Pls send me important questions in 12th organic chemistry
I have important questions for all chemistry lessons. Do you want it?
Pls post 12th model question paper
Please do give important to hindi subject…..
No new pattern is available in web site…..
We are suffering with this new pattern as it’s imposed in other subjects ……
We would like to know a new pattern in hindi too …..
Plz sir…. I want answer key for model question paper ……. plz send me sir….
S sir me too
Send me 12th commerce, economic, accountancy, Tamil ,English and computer science new pattern question paper ……sir
New pattern one mark based 12th 2018-2019
I am 12 standard .maths with Computer science student .Please send the model question paper new pattern based
For all subject (tamil ,english ,maths , computer science, physical , chemistry).
Send immediately please
12 maths quest paper and imortant 2marks 3marks 5markes ques paper send my mail
New pattern one mark based 12th 2018-2019
There is any changes in the one word pattern plz reply me as soon as possible
What school are studying
Dear sir,
I am a student of commerce with business maths group. plz send me all subjects new pattern public question paper for my e-mail (TAMIL, ENGLISH, BUSINESS MATHS, ACCOUNTANCY, ECONOMICS, COMMERCE …) Kindly i request to send the new pattern model question paper .. Very few days are for our exam….. so kindly send it.
Please as soon as upload answer keys for this new pattern
I want answers for this model
Write your comment here…model question paper are tamil, english,zoology,botany,physics,chemistry
Is there any changes in one words pattern for 12th ???? Is it gonna be only choose or fillups too??….please somebody tell me about this….if you know pls reply me ….. when did this change happened??? And in which they telecasted it???
One words (20 questions) …will be in ‘Choose
the correct answer’ form(MCQ) . Don’t worry,there won’t be fill ups!
Yes .In newspapers i also saw it.. my teachers also informed us. But nobody knows whether it is confirm or not..
Same prblm
Hi subi i am ur second std frnd jayadhara in rice city school aduthurai . Do u remember me? Kk all the best for ur exams do well subi
It’s conform or not
Hi! please send me maths new pattern model question paper to my email
Plz send a answer key also
Kindly send 12th std English medium commerce group with computer science subject new pattern question papers .
Sir pls send me business maths question paper with answer keys to my email address…
Please all sub question paper sir,,
You are vennandur school?
I need Tamil, history ,economics, commerce new pattern model.. Pls send me sir.. My email:… Thank you sir…
Plz plz……. I need a all subjects model question papers related to maths bio group……. Plz upload fast……..
Hai please send internal one word for commerce, computer science economics and model question papers for 2019 to
Hii guys
Please send economics 2 revision question paper
maths +1 new model question papper send pannunga pls
Sir please send model question paper (NEW PATTERN) OF PLUS TWO for all subjects (maths, physics, chemistry and biology) to my mail id Thank you.
mam i am commerce with business maths group. plz send me all subjects new pattern public question paper for my e-mail
Hi I’m commerce with business maths too please send me those question papers if u get it….??
Friends I have a doubt is there any changes for section A (choose) search model question paper 4economics in padasalai
I need 12 th economics model question paper in English….
i too want
Please send me physics half yearly & quarterly question paper plz sir…… ????? To my e – mail account.. Plz sir….. I am so critial condition..
For 12th sir… Plz
Na send pannava nanum anda group than kk
for me to
i too want For me too
Mam plz send me the new model question paper…plzz…to
I m a biomaths student…plzz send me as soon as possible…it s my humble request….
Sir /mam i am a bio maths student pls send the new model question papers for biology chemistry physics maths sir/mam i send my mail id – its my id pls send question papers to this id mam /sir
Update hindi new model question paper
pls let us known about the pattern of one words………….
is it going to be choose the correct answer or fill in the blanks?????……..
pls let us know mam/sir
Upload Economics Sir
Pls send 12 th economic new model question paper of 2018 to 2019
Sir or mam please let me know the new pattern for the public exam it will be easy for ous to learn for the public exam please.
Sir old students exam paper same modal and old modal sir
Pls upload economics
Sir please send model question paper for all sub my email address i am in maths phy che biology student my e mail id thankyoy
Hi sir,i am yuva std 12th commerce computer give a public model question paper you have send me sir please
Is Any blue print available !!sir
please send 12th study material in physics,chemistry,botany
Hii sir/madam,
Please send New pattern model question papers of 12th std to my whatsapp number….9551629681…. I’m studying in commerce group with buisness maths….pls send me sir…..
Hai sir/ Madam,
Please send me new pattern model question papers of 12 the std. to 9003211206 what’s app for commerce group with business maths
please sir,….
hi i am also same group…. if this web send a new pattern for ur phone num …if it’s send i also put my num to web comment page…. so only
I huv send it…
Sir plz second revision accountancy question paper plsss…
how to send pa
Can i please get the keys for the tn twelth std model questionpaper posted in this i am 12th 1st group phy che mat cs student
Sir plz send me all subject question paper sended by government I’m commerce computer science group Tamil, english,accountancy,computer ,commerce economics….
My whatsapp number 7338822864
Plz sir send me ????
sir please sent a 12 th model question paper for bio-zoology and bio-botany
Economics .?????
Send me 4th revision physics question paper
sir can you sent 3 important question paper which was send by tamil nadu.
and can you sent the important question paper for 12th annual exam ,send only the maths ,physics,chemistry,computer
Tq teachers
Please sir. I need all the new patterns question paper of all subjects related to commerce student.. I kindly request you to mail me those questions on my Gmail account….
Will this year public exam question paper will be easy or like 11th question paper ?
It will be in the new pattern only
if we study well we will score good marks
I’ll u send me idea to get cent in physics and chemistry sir plz
I need an economic question pattern to prepare my board exms lyk a bunny’s !!
That’s good very useful for me
Answer key
Pls give me answer key for accountancy pls.pls…
thank you teachers for your kind guidance by these question papers
I need 12th English medium bio maths group all subject mark weigtage content blue print.
TQ…..very much’s an luck 2 get all these..years question papers…..thank u education observer..I’m great you
HAPPY MORNING, For 12th language HINDI. Till date we could’t receive any model paper or question pattern. (one paper 90 marks). Each one district is following their own way of question papers. please let me know the Government prescribed pattern.
Thanking you
Please send me all model papers in English Medium to my mail address
eExam day only will come to know
Thank you sir for the collection
How u got
Thank you sir