Field of Study

P.D./Specialization(8 Months research).


8 month(research)/ one year for P.D.

No. of Scholarships

6( 4 for 8 months research and 2 for P.D.)


Employment News/Rozgar Samachar & leading newspapers)     :   December/January.


International Relations, Judaism, Hebrew language, History of the Jewish people, Agriculture, Political Science.


Age 35 years. Candidate should have 55% marks or more marks for Humanities. For Agriculture 60% or more marks and two years research/work/teaching experience. Candidates who are staying abroad will not be considered. Candidate who are already abroad for more than six months for study/research/training are eligible to apply only if they stayed in India for two consecutive years after their return from abroad.

Value of Scholarship

To be paid by Israeli Government to cover stay, tuition fees, health insurance etc.

Passage Cost

India to Israel and back is payable by the candidate/sponsor/employer who will apply for 8 months research. Borne by Israeli Govt. for P.D. Candidates.

Application Procedure

Typed application on plain paper as per format notified, along with attested photocopies of the certificates, through employer, if employed. To be submitted within the date as notified.



Contact Address

Section Officer, ES.3 Section, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, External Scholarships Division, A1/w3 Curzon Road Barracks, K G Marg, New Delhi 110001.